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New Red Urgent Notice

REI Postcard Mailer

Immediate Attention Grabber: The bold red design of the postcard can’t be ignored. In a sea of regular mail, this design stands out instantly, ensuring that the homeowner’s eyes are drawn to it the moment they check their mail.

Clear and Concise Messaging: With the straightforward message of “No Repairs, No Fees, No Hassle,” homeowners immediately understand the value proposition. There’s no ambiguity, just a direct promise that resonates with homeowners looking for an uncomplicated selling process.

Stress-Free Proposition: The color red, combined with the urgent notice theme, conveys a sense of timeliness and importance. Homeowners are not just receiving an offer; they’re getting a hassle-free solution to their property concerns, making it a compelling choice amidst other selling avenues.


All prices are 4/4 (Full Color), No Bleed

Cash offer prices include addtl $0.05 or google image addtl $0.06 per piece.
Bleed add $.01 more to the total PP (no bleed on vellum)

Quantity500–2499 2500-49995000-1499915000-2499925000+
4.25″ x 5.5″
Non-Coated Cardstock






4″ x 6″
Gloss Cover Cardstock






5.5″ x 8.5″
Non-Coated Cardstock





5.5″ x 8.5″
Gloss Cover Cardstock



